Bergmancenter Logo
Director Ingmar Bergman
Duration 87 min
Language Swedish with English subtitles
Price SEK 120.00

Cinema — 2024.08.06 15:00-16:30 (The event has passed)

Wild Strawberries

Smultronstallet affisch Smultronstallet affisch

An absolutely outstanding Viktor Sjöström plays the role of the elderly professor Isak Borg, on his way to Lund to be promoted to Jubilee Doctor. During the journey from Stockholm, he reevaluates his life. Wild Strawberries is sometimes considered an early road movie and is one of the most referenced films in cinematic history. It is not so much the events along the way that determine the film's outcome, but what they trigger in the mind of its main character, the inner journey, what has already happened – in its simplicity, a brilliant concept that distinguishes the film.

Wild Strawberries won, among many other awards, both the Golden Bear in Berlin and a Golden Globe after its premiere in 1957.

Upcoming Events

Cinema — 2024.09.08 16:00-17:30

Bye Bye Boredom

Jackie och Nova har alltid varit nära vänner. Deras liv på byn kretsar kring droger, hästar och EPA-traktorer. Allt förändras när en knarklangare flyttar till byn. Under en ödesdiger dag tar vänskapen...

Cinema — 2024.09.15 16:00-18:00

En liten bit av kakan

Den 70-åriga Mahin har bott ensam i Teheran sedan hennes man dog och hennes dotter reste till Europa. En eftermiddag med vänner får henne att bryta sin ensamma rutin och återuppliva sitt kärleksliv. M...

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