Bergmancenter Logo
Director Ingmar Bergman
Duration 95 min
Language Swedish with English subtitles
Price SEK 120.00

Cinema — 2024.08.13 15:00-16:30 (The event has passed)

Summer Interlude

Sommarlek affisch Sommarlek affisch

An early Bergman film that revolves around Marie and her dying boyfriend's diary. This is how Bergman himself describes the film in an interview with Fritiof Billquist:

'Summer Interlude has a long prehistory. The origin is a somewhat touching love episode that I experienced one summer when the family lived on Ornö. I was sixteen years old and, as usual, stuck with summer reading and could only momentarily participate in the leisure activities of my peers. Additionally, I wasn't dressed like them; I was skinny and pimply and stuttered when I wasn't silent and reading Nietzsche.

On the so-called Paradise Island, furthest out towards the fjords, lived a girl who was also alone. Between us arose a shy love, as it happens when two young loners seek each other out.

Our love died when autumn came, but it became the basis for a story I wrote the summer after my graduation."

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Cinema — 2025.03.16 16:00-18:45

Det heliga trädets frukter

Hur långt är du beredd att gå för att ta reda på sanningen?Iman arbetar som utredare inom det iranska rättsväsendet – en roll förknippad med livsfara. Utsattheten gör honom nästintill paranoid, och nä...

Cinema — 2025.03.23 16:00-18:15

I'm Still Here

Trefaldigt Oscarnominerade I'm Still Here är ett gripande drama om ett mörkt kapitel i Brasiliens historia. En film som engagerar och berör på djupet.Den sanna historien om en familjs obevekliga kamp ...

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